Health & Safety

Gaming & Leisure cares about the health and safety of all Roundtable attendees. We do not anticipate any changes related to our venue’s policies or federal, state and or local government guidelines at this time. In the event we are made aware of changes, we will update our confirmed attendee’s and sponsors via email. At this time there are no restrictions at either venue with respect to COVID-19.

We rely on and will comply with the CDC and local health department guidelines and most importantly our venues policies to minimize the spread of COVID-19. We ask you to read the updates and RedRock Resort’s Health and Safety information  prior to attending. For more information on the Siena Golf Course you can visit the course at

Please be advised risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any event or public space, including our forum. By attending, you acknowledge this inherent risk of contracting COVID-19 and agree to abide by all current health and safety requirements and understand we cannot protect you from getting COVID 19 or any flu, cold, infection etc.. It’s simply far beyond our control. In addition, as a condition of entering the forum events, you acknowledge, understand, and confirm that you are not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 as identified by the CDC and or you are not currently under any self-quarantine or self-isolation orders. Please remember it is the responsibility of everyone to maintain personal hygiene, including washing your hands frequently. Proof of vaccination and Masks are not required, however are recommended for those who are able.

All attendees are required to self-screen before traveling to, or entering, the forum events. Please click here if you are in need of a self-screening tool. Attendees should stay home or in their hotel room if they have knowingly been exposed to an individual with COVID-19, and/or are currently displaying any symptoms associated with COVID-19.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!